Trabajar por internet - ¿Qué es freelance y que no es freelance?

Gracias al internet, hoy en día se abren nuevas formas de trabajo que quizás eran impensables hace 10 o 20 años, pues desde la comodidad de un computador, alguien puede administrar una pagina web de una empresa que esta en Alemania, editar un video para un YouTuber noruego, o realizar ensayos y planos de ingeniería civil para un ingeniero que este en Chile, sin tu tener la necesidad de ir a ninguno de estos países mencionados, todo desde la comodidad de tu casa u oficina, un computador (también teléfono) e internet. Así de simple.  Esto lentamente se ha ido impulsando estos últimos 10 años donde van cayendo los paradigmas de estar sentados todos juntos en una oficina trabajando y abriendo la posibilidad del trabajo remoto.  Estoy seguro que esto no se detendrá y se expandirá a las universidades, iglesias, entre otras formas de actividad que pueda ser online. Siempre manteniendo el equilibrio.  Quedó demostrado ya en 2020 (año donde fue decretada una pandemia mundial) que ...

Images of explosion in Venezuela Refinery

Three days of national duel

Rafael Ramirez

It is a fact of world transcendence the happened in hours of the morning in the refinery of Amuay punto fijo, Venezuela. A strong explosion registered to her 1:30 hrs. 

Users of twitter brought the situation, believing that it was a question of a quake, minutes later it would be confirmed that it was a question of a fire in the refining complex paraguaná. 

Such as if they were images of a hecatomb, one shows us the lamentable fact happened in punto fijo. 

Beyond the pain that it can impede to many Venezuelan families, the Venezuelans we feel something surprised and troublesome by the great inefficiency of the Venezuelan government. 

It is sad and lamentable it happened today in Amuay, but more lamentable they can be the political game that the government could give in the matter. Nobody has blamed Chavez, but the looks are very directed the secretary Rafael Ramirez who is not the first time that in his ministerial direction there happen facts of similar inefficiency. 

A similar fact happened already two years ago in CAVIM's military reservoir which was not expiring with any norm of safety and I untie a great chain reaction when it started exploiting some of the defeated armaments. Grenades and bombs, they were the principal causers of the explosion.

Now adays it is believed that there will be slight escases of petrol, as consequence of the happened event, nevertheless the government assures that they are alone speculations of a sector  politician that has intentions of speaking badly about the managements of the president and the national government. 


August 25, 2012

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