Trabajar por internet - ¿Qué es freelance y que no es freelance?

Gracias al internet, hoy en día se abren nuevas formas de trabajo que quizás eran impensables hace 10 o 20 años, pues desde la comodidad de un computador, alguien puede administrar una pagina web de una empresa que esta en Alemania, editar un video para un YouTuber noruego, o realizar ensayos y planos de ingeniería civil para un ingeniero que este en Chile, sin tu tener la necesidad de ir a ninguno de estos países mencionados, todo desde la comodidad de tu casa u oficina, un computador (también teléfono) e internet. Así de simple.  Esto lentamente se ha ido impulsando estos últimos 10 años donde van cayendo los paradigmas de estar sentados todos juntos en una oficina trabajando y abriendo la posibilidad del trabajo remoto.  Estoy seguro que esto no se detendrá y se expandirá a las universidades, iglesias, entre otras formas de actividad que pueda ser online. Siempre manteniendo el equilibrio.  Quedó demostrado ya en 2020 (año donde fue decretada una pandemia mundial) que ...

Bp could stop to oil output in the sea...

Three weeks have passed since the Transocean Ltd. reported an explosion and subsequent fire on board the semi-submersible drilling rig Deepwater Horizon leased and operated by BP. The incident has resulted in a massive oil spill and has been declared a Spill of National Significance by President Obama.

The disaster has overtaken that of the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989 in Alaska.

Despite recent efforts of BP, to plug a leak located 1,525 meters deep, just today (May 27) could stop to oil output in the sea. BP and U.S. authorities are using millions of gallons of dispersant "chemicals" that break up oil slicks and sink into the sea. One more way to pollute the waters of the Gulf and hide the visual impact it would have in the people if become visible on the coast.

The disaster happened because BP was trying to save costs, they set up a cement coating type in the subsea well which caused the spill. They know that this dangerous method was capable of filter out gases or generate other disaster, however, they decided continued by this way.

The U.S. president, Barack Obama, announced a general suspension of drilling and exploration for new oil wells in an effort to improve oversight of oil and gas, this thought that the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is "irresponsible" on energy giant BP, while unveiling a formal commission to investigate the disaster.

The U.S. government said that BP will pay for damages. The administration will review all legal avenues to ensure that those responsible for this mess pay for all the devastation said the associate attorney general, Thomas Perrelli, told a group of influential members of the Senate.

BP ensures that cover any damage that this disaster has caused. Although stated that they are not guilty of the occurred, but they are responsible for the damage that this is causing and will pay whatever it takes.